Thematic Unit - Foundation

Goal: Develop the foundation of your thematic unit. Describe the topic or theme, anticipated grade level and demographics, and at least four essential questions.

Theme: Community

Age Level and Demographics:
  • Age: Kindergarten students (5-6 years old)
  • Number: Four classes with 19 or 20 students per class
  • Gender: Roughly equal mix of boys and girls
  • Ethnicity: While exact percentages are not yet known for incoming kindergarten students, the following are the most recent demographic data for this K-5 school:
         - 91.5% White
         - 3.6% Multiracial
         - 2.3% Hispanic
         - 2.3% Asian
         - 0.04% Black
  • Educational Environment (School):
         - Limited-English Proficient – 1.5%

         - Low Income – 0.8%

         - Parental Involvement – 100%

         - Attendance – 96%

        - Mobility – 3.7%
  • Income Level: Though the majority of students come from upper middle class homes, there is quite a mix. Within the school boundaries are found the town’s most expensive single-family homes and least expensive rental properties.
  • Other: Kindergarten is a half-day program. Typically, 80% (or more) of students spend the other half of the day at home with a parent.
Essential Questions:
  • What makes up a community?
  • How big is a community?
  • How is our community the same as other communities?
  • How is our community different from other communities?
  • Where do I fit into my community?
  • How can I help my community?

Curriculum Connections for Thematic Unit